10 Resume Writing Tips and Tricks

Having a strong resume can make all the difference when you’re on the hunt for a new job. Resumes are often the first point of contact between you and a potential employer, and it’s crucial to make a good impression. Creating the perfect resume can seem intimidating, but with the 10 resume writing tips and tricks below, you’ll be well on your way to landing the perfect job. So, without further ado, let’s get started…

#1: Focus on the Essentials

Your resume should only include important and relevant information. Employers don’t need to know every detail of your life, so keep it simple and to the point.

#2: Showcase Your Achievements

Rather than simply listing your responsibilities at previous jobs, highlight your accomplishments. Show how your specific actions helped the company or improved its processes so a potential employer can see exactly how hiring you would benefit them too.

#3: Tailor Your Resume to a Target Job

Thoroughly read through the ad for your desired job, note repetitive keywords and phrases, and then incorporate them naturally into your resume. Tailoring your resume to a specific job will greatly increase your odds of beating ATS barriers and getting a callback for an interview.

#4: Keep It Concise

A long, drawn-out resume will only turn off potential employers. Aim for a one-page resume unless you have extensive experience (in which case you should try to stick to two pages).

#5: Use Bullet Points with Strong Action Verbs

Bullet points break up long blocks of text, making it much easier for someone to read your resume and for you to highlight key points. Begin each bullet sentence with a powerful action verb like “lead,” “orchestrate,” “oversee,” “generate,” “create,” “grow,” or “streamline.”

#6: Select a Professional Layout

Choose a clean and professional-looking font like Times New Roman, Calibri, or Arial, and incorporate plenty of white space to make your resume easy on the eyes. Also, pick a template/layout that isn’t cluttered, too colorful, or distracting.

#7: Remove Irrelevant Information

If it doesn’t pertain to the job you’re interested in, leave it out. Employers only want to see relevant information that shows you’re the best candidate for the role.

#8: Quantify Your Achievements

Using numbers and statistics makes your achievements more meaningful and helps them stand out. For example, if you increased sales, provide the actual numbers instead of vague words to catch the eye of the reader.

#9: Include Your Contact Information

This may seem obvious, but it’s essential to include your name, phone number, email address, and LinkedIn profile (if you have one) at the top of your resume so a potential employer knows exactly how to contact you and/or learn more about you.

#10: Proofread, Proofread, Proofread

Finally, a resume filled with errors sends the message that you don’t pay attention to detail – a definite negative. To avoid giving this impression, take the time to proofread your resume multiple times before sending it anywhere (asking a trusted friend to look it over can also be very helpful).

So there you have it – 10 resume writing tips and tricks to help you create a resume that impresses employers. It’s only a matter of time before you score your dream role – good luck!

If you need additional resume writing help, contact CopyHawk today!